Working from home…Friend or Foe?
Working from home...Friend or Foe?

HOT Topic at the moment with the spread of COVID-19, but even prior to this crisis, companies have been warming to the “remote office” for some time. And while some jobs naturally acclimate to a remote alternative, many do not.
I am fortunate that in the business of Executive Recruiting it is very much an option. But the question posed; is it a good one? Years of trial and error with my own preferred operating system tells me it is very much dependent on several factors. What kind of work ethic do you have? What are the deadlines and expectations in your role? Are you easily distracted? Watering the plants? Greeting the postal worker? Is your landscaper mowing the lawn while you’re on a call? Of course you need the proper physical space and set-up but my focus here is the mental approach.
Speaking for myself, I have found that I am much more productive in the office for certain functions within the scope of my job. For example, when I am in “search mode” scouring LinkedIn and my 15 year network for candidates I am simply better focused while in the office. It is easier to get into a flow and a rhythm.
I am incredibly productive when I plan my work from home Friday’s and schedule appointments via Outlook. (which I do during the week as well!). But Friday’s are often easier days for candidates to free up and I can dig deep during phone interviews in the home office/relaxed setting. I also set up client status calls where I can get crucial feedback from hiring managers and either move talent through the process or recalibrate my search efforts which begin in earnest on Mondays! A portion of my Fridays is also spent on New Business Development. No matter how many search assignments or job orders my team is working on – new clients keep the desk fresh and everyone invigorated and engaged.
Planning! In most sales/marketing roles unless you plan you are doomed. Prioritizing work/projects can make the remote days all the more fruitful.
Know yourself-have the emotional intelligence to understand what works for you to meet your personal and professional goals. It may necessitate 5 full days in the corporate office. Or the 4/1 combo. Or the 3/2. In all cases, only you and your manager can determine if it’s a productive use of time.
I am fortunate to have a manager/partner who subscribes to the “I don’t care where you work as long as you are yielding results”! Going forward more and more companies will need to adapt this remote option as the millennials and future hires will demand it. They have grown up being “wired” from anywhere and technology will only advance this. In the current environment…. some flexibility will be warranted in all sectors until this crisis passes.
BALANCE-find what works and stay the course!